How Many Slices Are in a Large Pizza?

Pizza is a favorite food among many, yet too much pizza consumption may lead to an unhealthy diet high in saturated fat and sodium content.

Before ordering for a gathering or family meal, it is crucial to know how many slices a large pizza has so as to prevent overordering and ensure everyone gets at least one slice.


There are various factors that contribute to determining pizza slice counts, starting with crust type. Thick crusts tend to create fewer slices while thinner ones allow for more slices. Furthermore, toppings may play a part in slice count – some require additional sauce or cheese which reduces usable slices.

Cutting method also plays a factor. While the traditional triangular cut produces standard slices, some establishments provide alternative cutting methods, such as grid-style cuts that yield additional portions.

Estimating how many pizzas to order for an event requires considering both its number of guests and their individual appetite levels. A good general guideline is three slices for adults and two for children, but heavy eaters may require additional slices than this estimate. Also keep in mind that pizza can be an energy dense meal when loaded up with toppings like fatty meats and processed cheeses.


Pizzas can be personalized to suit individual preferences with various toppings and fillers, though some toppings tend to be more filling than others – for instance a pepperoni pizza has more filling power per slice than its plain counterpart; crust thickness also plays a factor; thick crusts are typically less filling.

Know the standard number of slices that make up a large pizza is key when ordering for a dinner party or other gathering, ensuring everyone will have enough to eat without overordering or underordering. In addition, understanding how factors like pizza chain, crust type, and customization options impact slice counts will aid meal planning for those with dietary restrictions.

Food waste should also be an important consideration. While having cold pizza leftovers might not be ideal, it is preferable to having to consume soggy pizza the morning after (the perfect hangover breakfast!). Therefore, when serving more than 8 people it may be wiser to order 2 large pizzas rather than one large pie.

Number of People

Ordering pizza for a group can depend heavily on how many slices per person are ordered; as a general guideline, plan for three slices per person as the average pizza is cut into eight slices and this means a medium pizza should feed approximately five people while a large one will accommodate up to twelve.

Consider how hungry your guests are before making your decision; some people can eat more, while others only require two or three slices. It is also important to remember that too much pizza may adversely impact one’s health as it contains high levels of fat and sodium.

For optimal spending when ordering pizza, divide its area by pi. An easy way of doing so is comparing medium and large pizza diameters: medium is approximately 16 inches while large pizzas average 14 inches in diameter.


No matter if you’re hosting a pizza party or just making sure there are enough slices, knowing how many are contained within a large pizza is crucial for planning. A few easy math tricks will help you determine how many pizzas will feed your hungry guests.

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Average medium pizzas contain eight slices while large pizzas typically feature 12. For two to four people eating pizza-only meals, one large pizza may suffice, though adding wings and other finger food could require multiple pizzas for an impressive feast.

To accommodate for 15 to 20 guests at your gathering, plan to order three to six large pizzas. This will ensure each person can get an equal share of the pie while leaving enough leftovers for later consumption.